Yoga and Meditation are as often as possible dumbfounded as undoubtedly exactly the same on account of the likeness in their implications, in any case truth be told there is some difference between them. Undoubtedly, Meditation is one of the bits of the Ashtanga Yoga propounded by Sage Patanjali. Reflection includes in the continued with intermingling of the mind on some article or severe picture. On the other hand, Yoga centers around the accomplishment of the state of significant osmosis. This is the essential differentiation between the two words. Through this article let us like the differentiation between the two words. What is Yoga? First let us start with the word yoga. Yoga is said to have eight members called Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi. Yoga centers around the accomplishment of the state of extraordinary maintenance. The most raised state of human life lies in the affirmation of the exceptional power inside him. This is a...