It portrays the Raja yoga which is regularly alluded to as old style yoga which comprises of an eight-limbed way that rundowns a progression of steps and stages that lead towards samaadhi or edification.
Tantra yoga was subsequently evolved as a progression of practices to restore the body and to delay life. It contains revolutionary strategies to purify the body and psyche.
Yoga ventured out toward the West in the last part of the 1800s and mid 1900s, and everything started with Swami Vivekananda's discourse at the 1893 Parliament of Religions in Chicago. He talked for the most part about Raja yoga, which is known as the yoga of the brain, which is rehearsed through contemplation and mental control. Vivekananda likewise talked about the Eight-Limbed Yogic Path which have been depicted in the Yoga Sutras. These incorporate :
yamas (restriction), niyamas (observances), asanas (stances), pranayama (breathing procedures), pratyahara (withdrawal of the faculties), dharana (focus), dhyana (contemplation) and samaadhi.
Types of yoga:
Vinyasa Yoga:
-which is flexible paced and more fit oriented.
Hatha Yoga:
-which always focus on breathing and calming down in the mind.
Ashtanga Yoga:
-based on six series of the poses that increase in difficulty, allowing you to work at your own pace, are extremely popular amony yoga enthusiasts.
Iyengar Yoga:
-developed by BKS Iyengar
Jivamukti Yoga:
-which is vanyasa style of yoga and are also popular.
Kundalini Yoga:
-which is mentally and physically challenging.
Bikarm Yoga:
-it is form of a hot yoga which is done in a hot environment to minic the climate of India.
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